Golden Horn (Turkish Haliç / Altın
Boynuz) is a flooded river valley which in the southwest flows to
the Bosphorus just at the point where the Bosporus flows into the Sea
of Marmara. It is often described as one of the finest natural
The bay is bridged by 4 bridges
Bridge (also known as Unkapanı) 1940. 477 meters long, 25 meters
wide, connects the district of Fatih and Beyoğlu. Halic Bridge:
built in 1974. 995 m long, 32 m wide, linking neighborhoods
Ayvansaray and Halicioglu.
Galata Bridge 1994. 490 meters long, 80
meters wide. It connects neighborhoods Karaköy and Eminönü.
metro bridge (tur. Haliç metro Köprüsü)
je premostený 4 mostami

most (tiež známy ako Unkapanı) 1940. dlhý 477 metrov, široký
25 metrov, spája štvrte Fatih a Beyoğlu.
most : postavený v roku 1974. dlhý 995 metrov, široký 32
metrov, spája mestské štvrte Ayvansaray a Halıcıoğlu.
most 1994. dlhý 490 metrov, šíroký 80 metrov. Spája štvrte
Karaköy a Eminönü.
metro most (tur. Haliç metro köprüsü)
The estuary of former
river attracted the first settlers already in the 7th century BC.
During the Byzantine Empire were built along the flow the walls which
protect Constantinople from the incursions from the sea.
Entrance to the Golden Horn was protected by a huge chain that was
stretched between Constantinople and Galata. This chain was several
times tried to be break, but unsuccessfully. During the siege of
Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II., Who also tried unsuccessfully
chain to break, circumventing this barrier by transporting the boat
over the land. After the conquest of the city gave the sultan chain
vtedajšej rieky prilákalo prvých osadníkov už v 7.
storočí pred Kristom. V období Byzantskej ríše boli pozdĺž
toku postavené hradby, ktoré chránili Konštantínopol pred
nájazdami z mora.
do zlatého rohu bol chránený obrovskou reťazou, ktorá
bola natiahnutá medzi Konštatínopolom a Galatou. Túto
reťaz sa niekoľko krát pokúšali pretrhnúť, avšak
neúspešne. Pri obliehaní Konštantínopola sultánom Mehmedom
II., ktorý sa tiež snažil reťaz neúspešne pretrhnúť,
túto prekážku obišli transportovaním lodí cez pevninu. Po
dobytí mesta dal sultán reťaz odstrániť.
By the sailing on the bay, on the south side, where is situated the historic center of Istanbul we can watch majestic Mosques (New Mosque, Suleymaniye Mosque, Sultan Selim), in the west district of Fener Orthodox Bulgarian and Greek Churches Church. Stephen Church. Giorgio.
Pri plavbe loďou po zátoke, môžeme na júžnej strane, kde sa rozprestiera historické jadro Istanbulu sledovať majestátne Mešity ( Nová mešita, Sulejmanova mešita, Mešita sultána Selima), viac západne v štvrti Fener ortodoxné bulharské a grécke kostoly Kostol sv. Štefana, Kostol sv. Juraja.

In Eyup district is
Eyüp Sultan Mosque and a little further you can admire the hill
cemetery Pier Loti.
štvrti Eyup sa nachádza mešita sultána Eyupa a kúsok
ďalej môžeme obdivovať cintorín pod kopcom Pier Loti.
On the northern shore of the bay, which
is the modern from the heart , are districts Beyoglu and Kasim
Pasha, dirrectly here have been transported into the bay ships
durring the siege of the city by Sultan Mehmed II.

Grécke pravoslávne chlapčenské líceum - Fener Rum Erkek Lisesi
It was founded in 1454 Matheos
Kamariotis and became a prominent school of Greece and Bulgarian rich
families of the Ottoman Empire. Lot of Ottoman ministers and
ministers of Wallachia and Moldavia studied there too. The current
school building is located close to the church of St. George, which
is the seat of the Patriarchate.
The school is the second largest of
Greece Lyceum in Istanbul. In addition to Greek subjects and religion
is there teaching Turkish curriculum. In the dome at the top of
the building is placed for astronomy observatory with a large antique
založené v roku 1454 Matheosom Kamariotisom a stalo sa
prominentnou školou bohatých Gréckych a Bulharských rodín
Osmanskej ríše. Rovnako tu študovalo mnoho Osmanských
ministrov ako aj ministri Valašského či Moldavského kniežatstva.
Súčasná budova školy sa nachádza v blízkosti kostola
svätého Juraja, ktorý je sídlom patriarchátu.
je druhým najväčším Gréckym líceom v Istanbule. Okrem
gréckych predmetov a náboženstva však výučba prebieha Tureckým osnovám. V dóme v hornej časti budovy je
umiestnené observatórium pre astronómiu s veľkým starožitným
sv. Juraja - Aya Yorgi
This is a relatively small church, and
especially compared to its importance. However, it is influenced
mainly of Islamic law, when non-Islamic buildings had to be smaller
and humbler than the same Muslim buildings. It is the main Orthodox
cathedral in Istanbul. It is the seat of the Patriarchate of the
Greek Orthodox Church.

Je hlavnou gréckou pravoslávnou katedrálou v Istanbule. Je sídlom patriarchátu gréckej pravoslávnej cirkvi.
kostol Sv. Štefana - Sveti Stefan Kilisesi
Also known as the Bulgarian
Iron Church, because it was made of cast iron, it can be admired on
the southern shore of the Golden Horn in the Fatih district. The iron
structure was made in Vienna (1893-1896), brought by the boat across
the Danube and Black Sea. The church is the seat of the Bulgarian
Orthodox Patriarchate. Three domes of the church are arranged in the
shape of a cross. In the bell tower is 6 bells which were made in
Yaroslavl. The church was originally made of wood but then after it
was destroyed by fire in its place was built todays church.
tiež ako Bulharský železný kostol, nakoľko bol vyrobený
z liatiny, je možné obdivovať na južnom brehu zlatého
rohu v štvrti Fatih. Jeho železná konštrukcia bola
vyrobená vo Viedni (1893-1896) a loďou privezená cez Dunaj a
Čierne more. Kostol je sídlom Bulharského pravoslávneho
patriarchátu. Tri kupole kostola sú rozmiestnené v tvare
kríža. Vo zvonici sa nachádza 6 zvonov ktoré boli odliate
v Jaroslavli. Kostol bol pôvodne z dreva no potom ako ho
zničil požiar bol na jeho mieste postavený dnešný.
grécky kostol panny Márie : Meryem Ana Rum Ortodoks kilisesi
Also known as "bloody"
church was built in 1281. She was built by Maria Despina, the wife of
the Mongol ruler Abak Khan on the site of the old monastery. It
was one of the few churches that has not been converted into a mosque
after the conquest of Istanbul. Today belongs to the Greek Orthodox
Church and is generally open to visitors on weekends.
známy ako "krvavý" kostol, bol postavený v roku 1281.
Dala ho postaviť Maria Despina, manželka mongolského vládcu
Abak Khana na mieste starého kláštora.
to jeden z mála kostolov, ktorý nebol zmenený na mešitu po
dobytí Istanbulu. Dnes patrí k gréckej pravoslávnej cirkvi a je
všeobecne otvorený pre návštevníkov cez víkendy.
dopravy - Rahmi Koc Museum Istanbul
Museum is the first museum in
Turkey dedicated to the history of transport, industry and
communications. The collection includes thousands of items from
gramophone needles to large ships and aircraft exhibits. Rahmi M. Koc
is a member of one of the wealthiest families in Turkey, laid the
foundation stone of the museum in 1991. Its official opening place on
13 December 1994.

M. Koc je členom jednej z najbohatších rodin v Turecku,
položil základný kameň múzea v roku 1991. K jeho oficiálnemu
otvoreniu došlo 13. decembra 1994.
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