
piatok 18. marca 2016

Çanakkale Savaşı .... Battle of Gallipoli .....Bitka o Gallipoli

18. marca 1915 o 10:30 začala flotila Dohodových plavidiel vchádzať do úžiny. Kráľovské ná
morníctvo dúfalo, že sa mu podarí prestrieľať si cestu cez Dardanely a dostať sa čo najbližšie k Istambulu. Briti však nepoznali pozíciu mín a časť ich flotily vošla do mínového poľa. 14:00 hod. francúzsky semi-dreadnouth Bouvet narazil na mínu, prevrhol sa a v priebehu dvoch minút sa potopil aj so 600 mužmi na palube. O 16:10 narazili na mínu aj HMS Irresistible a HMS Inflexible. K lodi Irresistible bola na pomoc vyslaná HMS Ocean, tá zobrala zvyšok posádky lode, po tom čo bolo evidentné, že ju nebude možné odtiahnuť preč. Ale okolo 19:00 Ocean narazil na mínu a začal sa potápať O 17:00 hod. kontraadmirál de Robbeck nariadil prerušiť operáciu a stiahnuť sa z prielivu. Celá akcia skončila veľkým neúspechom spojeneckého námorníctva.

 On 18 March 1915, the main
 attack was launched. The fleet, comprising 18 battleships with a supporting array of cruisers and destroyers, sought to target the narrowest point of the Dardanelles, where the straits are 1 mile (1.6 km) wide. The French battleship Bouvet was sunk by a mine, causing it to capsize with her crew of over 600 still aboard. Minesweepers manned by civilians, under the constant fire of Ottoman shells, retreated, leaving the minefields largely intact. HMS Irresistible and HMS Inflexible were critically damaged by mines, although there was confusion during the battle about the cause of the damage—some blamed torpedoes. HMS Ocean, sent to rescue the Irresistible, was also damaged by an explosion, and both ships eventually sank. The losses forced de Robeck to sound the "general recall" to save what remained of his force

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